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Tournaments API

Below, you'll find all endpoints needed to fetch all available data about tournaments in a guild.


For these endpoints, there is an exception from our API Rules:

You MAY store leaderboard data permanently in your systems as that would be required to build power rankings or similar things, and share it with users of your systems. All other rules remain unchanged.


Note that these endpoints require a separate Authorization scope, so you might have to re-authorize existing guilds.

Get list of tournaments{guildId}/tournaments
Path Parameters
NameValue typeDescription
guildIdGuild ID SnowflakeThe ID of the guild you want to access
tournamentIdUUIDv4The ID of the tournament you want to access
Query Parameters
NameValue typeDescription
beforeISO timestampOptional; Only return tournaments that have started before this timestamp
afterISO timestampOptional; Only return tournaments that have started after this timestamp
Get single tournament{guildId}/tournaments/{tournamentId}
Path Parameters
NameValue typeDescription
guildIdGuild ID SnowflakeThe ID of the guild you want to access
Get leaderboard of tournament{guildId}/tournaments/{tournamentId}/leaderboard
Path Parameters
NameValue typeDescription
guildIdGuild ID SnowflakeThe ID of the guild you want to access
tournamentIdUUIDv4The ID of the tournament you want to access
Get list of matches in tournament{guildId}/tournaments/{tournamentId}/matches
Path Parameters
NameValue typeDescription
guildIdGuild ID SnowflakeThe ID of the guild you want to access
tournamentIdUUIDv4The ID of the tournament you want to access
Get leaderboard of single match{guildId}/tournaments/{tournamentId}/matches/{sessionId}
Path Parameters
NameValue typeDescription
guildIdGuild ID SnowflakeThe ID of the guild you want to access
tournamentIdUUIDv4The ID of the tournament you want to access
sessionIdstringThe ID of the match you want to access
Get all teams{guildId}/tournaments/{tournamentId}/teams
Path Parameters
NameValue typeDescription
guildIdGuild ID SnowflakeThe ID of the guild you want to access
tournamentIdUUIDv4The ID of the tournament you want to access
Add or update team{guildId}/tournaments/{tournamentId}/teams
Path Parameters
NameValue typeDescription
guildIdGuild ID SnowflakeThe ID of the guild you want to access
tournamentIdUUIDv4The ID of the tournament you want to access
Request Body
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "id": {
            "type": "UUIDv4",
            "value": "ID of the team if you want to edit an existing team; omit or 'null' if you want to create a new team",
            "optional": true
        "players": {
            "type": "array",
            "itemSchema": {
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                    "discordId": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": "discord ID of the player (at least one of discordId and epicId required; will be overridden if epicId present)",
                        "optional": true
                    "epicId": {
                        "type": "string",
                        "value": "epic ID of the player (at least one of discordId and epicId required)",
                        "optional": true
            "optional": true
        "disqualified": {
            "type": "boolean",
            "value": "wether or not the team has been disqualified; if you want to disqualify a team, change this field (and leave the players array as 'null'); will be ignored on team creation",
            "optional": true
Add or update teams in bulk{guildId}/tournaments/{tournamentId}/teams/bulk
Path Parameters
NameValue typeDescription
guildIdGuild ID SnowflakeThe ID of the guild you want to access
tournamentIdUUIDv4The ID of the tournament you want to access
Request Body
    "type": "array",
    "itemSchema": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "id": {
                "type": "UUIDv4",
                "value": "ID of the team if you want to edit an existing team; omit or 'null' if you want to create a new team",
                "optional": true
            "players": {
                "type": "array",
                "itemSchema": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "properties": {
                        "discordId": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "value": "discord ID of the player (at least one of discordId and epicId required; will be overridden if epicId present)",
                            "optional": true
                        "epicId": {
                            "type": "string",
                            "value": "epic ID of the player (at least one of discordId and epicId required)",
                            "optional": true
                "optional": true
            "disqualified": {
                "type": "boolean",
                "value": "wether or not the team has been disqualified; if you want to disqualify a team, change this field (and leave the players array as 'null'); will be ignored on team creation",
                "optional": true
Send tournament embed{serverID}/tournaments/{tournamentId}/sendEmbedPath Parameters
NameValue typeDescription
serverIDGuild ID SnowflakeThe ID of the guild
tournamentIdTournament IDThe ID of the tournament
Request Body
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "channel": {
            "type": "string",
            "value": "target text channel ID"